Hundreds of visitors came to see our slightly creepy path to the candy and treat table.

Friendlier during the daylight, the trail became super spooky in the dark, as shown in this video made by Peter Carmichael here. Witch Alison directed visitors to the side entrance past ghosts, skeletons, spiders, jack-o-lanterns and other horrific (just kidding) decorations to the treat table.
The Center Park parking lot became a safe gathering place for set-aside strollers, and parents waiting for children on the trail. This is our third Halloween Spook trail and unless it is raining, we will do it again next year.

Many thanks to Yona Carmichael, Cecile Sandwen (who took this picture --->), Emily Richardson and Peter Carmichael who decorated, lit, supervised and kept everyone safe as they wound their way down our woodland pathways to the treat table sourced by the wonderful volunteers collecting treats and candy for Carlisle Center.